Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Today is a rather packed day. It begins with a 10am mtg up session with the ladies. Hee... Guess it's a PH thus ppl tend to sleep late the day before. Next time, i must plan for morning calls & breakfast. =) Well, it's a good start to actual see so many being able to join in for today. 7/9 ladies were with me today. I believe i need to work harder to make it 9/9, perfect attendance.. hehe.. Maybe next time, we can try going for exercise session.

Then in the afternoon, another refreshing session. Planning together with R4 ics to have a wonderful june region exchange mtg. Looking forward to see them in may 19. But of course, b4 d 19th session, i'll love to meet up all of them in 12th to "warm" every1 up so as to look forward to the 19th session. Souvenirs hMm... It's never in my mind that i am going to have a DIY session...

Followed by, an evening movie with my dear... Been so so so busy the whole day, it's always good to have him around in the evening, at least to round up the day with him.

Well, always been bumping around for like erM.. quite a while.. Mus seriously take up things in my life, career is 1 impt thing tat m concerned about. 2ndly, family karma to break thr, 3rdly growth of the ladies & girls under my care. All these don't come in order, i just put what comes along my mind now. Pretty upset to hear that both of them are not going to be together for now, must chant that they must grow together during this period & of course to get back together after all necessary things are to be done & this time round that they must be able to grow together with a single mind frame. For the time being, all i can contribute now is to chant for their growth & happiness.

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