Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, previous post was being clicked twice thus ended having 2 identical posts. Just trying to check if there's a way to just delete the duplicate posting... *_*

Laziness, confusion & what's next?

Another day has just like swept past me. Been realizing that i have been really kinda lazy & being staying confuse. Laziness starts to creep into me when i least expected it to come. I guess it must be due to being like my working lifestyle in xxx company, not too nice to name it out. I don't have this kinda feelings in my past companies, does that imply environment really affects me? Well, i suddenly remember a sentence by Sensei, "Man & environment are one", they do affect each other somehow in someways.

Must really do Human Revolution to change for a better self, to be able to break through & tell myself that i can be hardworking despite the given lazy environment. Change it!

Confusion is always my middle name, trying to tell myself to keep my head cool & calm in order not to let confusion gets into me again. Looks like confusion scores another victory. >_<
So is a he or she issue now? He is some1 whom i thought i really treasure alot but seems that i cant stop hurting him. She is some1 whom i think i regard as a good sister but thinks & hopes my 6th sense is not working right this time. Now is a he or she or me issue? Sounds confusing or did i make this confusing in the 1st place?

Too tired to carry on being confuse now as laziness & tireness enters into my life right at this moment. KO now.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How i spend my nian chu san

Happy lunar new year! It has been sometime since i came in to post my thoughts. Well, i have been lazy for quite a few months. Been skipping my daily practise lately, this is not a good sight. Must really continue to polish my life. Today, i went out with my bb & Tris. We went to Istana as today is the open house for public. We spent around 1 odd hour touring the whole place & pay $2 entrance fee for each person to get into the white palace. Below are some of the pictures my bf took at the Istana.

It's such a hot afternoon & when we are about to leave, it starts to drizzle a little. There are quite a number of items going on sale & all amounts will be donated to the community chest. After the long walk, we obviously need a nice cold drink to quence our thrist. We ended at Cathy Cineplex starbucks. I went for a raspberry ice blended fracuppino, bb went for mocha ice blended fracuppino & Tris went for ice passion tea.

Spending like almost an hour enjoying the cool air con & cold drinks, we went straught for the cinema where we get to catch this show, "the Dreamgirls".
I'll rate this show, 4.5/5 stars. This movie is real GOOD! If you yet to catch this show, make sure you do remember to catch this wonderful show & do book online tickets as the Q in cathy is freaking long. I reached Cathy around 1pm to grad the tickets, guess what?! We ended up at the 2nd front row from the screen. It's a lucky thing that we didn't get to have dizzy spins despite being so front. It's not too nice to reveal too much details about the show.. hEhE.. I guess i didn't mention too much. If you really wanna know what's in the show, do book the tickets.

After 2 hours in the theatre, did i mention that you need a jacket or some thick clothings to sit through out the show, it's freaking cold inside. So make sure you bring 1 in order not to get freeze. hahaha.... Lastly, we wrapped our session with a simple carrot cake dinner at PS - Kopitiam as all our stomachs are filled with sweet caramel popcorn.

This is how i spend my nian chu san, feb 20 2007. Duh, it's a boring day tomorrow. Y? Because we gonna work, shucks.